It’s a French romantic comedy that gets increasingly chaotic and hysterical until a somewhat desolate end.
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Feb 4, 2025

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Unapolagetic violence is a great way to start a movie. Before you even had time to care about this family, you hate it, you fear for it, you don’t understand it. Suddenly, it becomes a generic divorce movie, which almost lost me. But then, oh boy, what a great ending. The drugs, the sex, the visuals and the nonsense desperation of life where everything happens all at once. When you go crazy, it suddenly becomes very clear what’s it all about: where your mind and heart want to go, and you just need to follow through.
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I had the pleasure of rewatching this in a run-down theatre in Paris two weeks ago and it was quite incredible. Cried a lot and reflected on everything that’s ever happened to me and what could possibly happen now. I am grateful to be shown beauty in the world every day and I want to create something to say thank you to God but it’s so overwhelming i just feel rubbish. Anyways, it’s about a group of teenagers setting fires and bombs around Paris and it’s wonderful and ends very upsettingly and theres a Willow Smith Whip My Hair needledrop included. Bonello you are the best!
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I have a very strong desire for control over every aspect of my life and I’ve never been able to roll with things. Lately I’m trying to let go of this so I can participate in my ‘friendships’, which I have really been neglecting in recent years. Today a friend texted and asked me to go to the farmers market with her. At first I felt scared (lol) and inclined to ignore the message but I decided instead I would agree to go, and within 5 minutes I was in her car with her. It was a total blur and I was anxious out of my mind but I felt very grateful to spend time with someone I love. I’m terrible at conversing but even just to stand beside her was nice. We hugged before parting ways. I am glad that I did this.
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