If it irritates you to see people being negative, you know thats not something you yourself want to be. Dwell on why negativity bothers you. I‘d guess it has something to do with an innate knowledge that we all deserve kindness. Typically super negative people feel horribly about themselves, they have no other reason to say the things they do. It’s the type of person that tends to annoy me as well but when I think about that it makes me really sad for them, and then it feels easier to be compassionate. Anger releases dopamine. If you’re sad all the time, it feels better to get angry for a while. They’re struggling and desperately trying to make themselves feel better. We all need each others love.
Jan 28, 2025

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People will push you and try to dim your light with their negativity. It‘s always up to you to on how that affects you. Feel bad for negative people but don’t let negative people make you feel bad.
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whenever i find myself in these situations i remind myself that we are all subject to the same cycles of suffering, the same grasping and the same resistance to change. i can recall many times where i have been an annoyance or a negative person and it's usually due to an internal problem that i'm dealing with. i like to give people the benefit of the doubt and remember that their behavior is likely a result of their own suffering.... always reminding myself that the negativity of others is not mine to carry. i think that the western way of thinking (huge emphasis on self-centeredness, individuality, seeking for power) allows us to slip into this headspace, where you are upset with others for not doing things the way you would or simply doing things that disrupt our own activities, very easily. it's not necessarily your fault but more so how we've been conditioned... practicing compassion seems easy in theory but can be very hard in practice sometimes. providing yourself with gentle reminders about the truths of our silly little existence is the best way to counteract the irritation you feel at times. remind yourself that we are just little animals and that these feelings are just weather and it will pass.
Jan 29, 2025

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