jason sudeikis… alison brie… my best friends
there are so many scenes in this movie that i think about on a daily basis it’s my perfect romcom forever and ever
HOOOLY SHIT. it blows me away that this movie exists. DELICIOUSLY campy, every outfit is gasp-worthy, and we get TWO original musical numbers?? ewan mcgregor fans rise UP‼️
it’s stupid and perfect and lowkey one of the greatest movies of all time. it’s fun !! it’s california! we’re surfing and skydiving and robbing banks! what more can you ask for!!
i have 9 out right now and in no world am i finishing all 9 of them (including a 500 page oral history of the soviet union and like a 550 page one about the manson murders). but i really love checking books out, really satisfies some sort of innate consumer impulse in me. and i love having books around me.