Honestly deleting social media (especially instagram) has widen my capacity for new Real world things in so many ways. Being more creative, having more original ideas, honestly just more time To think!!! I think the first month was an adjustment because it was like a dopamine cleanse, lots of overthinking and feelings of intense boredom A lot of the things projected onto me I realized were not even insecurities of my own but harbored in my brain because of tiktok/instagram I did worry about having FOMO and not seeing what my friends were up to but I can also just text them and ask ??? I feel like instagram especially is a very PASSIVE and superficial way of connecting with people. I definitely feel like my social circle decreased exponentially without it but for the better 🧍‍♀️

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all of this 🙌
Sep 26, 2024

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about two weeks ago, i deleted all social media from my phone. tiktok, instagram & facebook. i truly think this was one of the best decisions i made. i find myself living my days a little less stressed and i find myself engaging in the world more. my biggest fear before deleting the apps was that i would be completely out of touch with the world. i did feel like that for the first week, but after the 'detox' i felt better. i still stay in touch with news, i use Reuters and NPR to stay up to date as they are pretty unbiased compared to other news outlets. often i go to a site called allsides where i can see how the news is being reported across the spectrum. every so often, i'll open instagram on my browser for a little bit and can really only stay on there for like 5 minutes. i no longer see the appeal and quite frankly it stresses me out to be on there. i am not ignorant to the things going on in the world, i have just found joy in finding out about things in a different way. i have linked the allsides website to this post, i think it's worth looking at because it is really interesting to see how different outlets report things.
it’s the only social media app I have/use out of the big ones (twitter, tik tok, ig, facebook?) and I didn’t even notice it was gone, I was in hiding but saw more people than ever before and traveled more than before or after. Seeing people by chance I used to know from online in person made connections stronger. hard to describe the feeling but it felt so good need to do it again even though I barely use it now
Jun 1, 2024
I recently deleted instagram along with all my meta apps and TikTok due to them being owed by billionaires or being used to benefit them. And as much as I hate to say it… I fell lost? But how has an app become such a large part of my identity 🤮? I know morally it’s the right thing to do (at least for me) but what do I do w so much “free” time. Maybe it’s the idea of sitting w my thoughts that’s so bothersome? Also why am I having a mental breakdown over not sharing my life or FOMO?
Jan 24, 2025

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