recently, when I wake up in the morning and have time to kill, I've been spending a bit of time reading before or after I get myself ready to go about the day instead of sitting on my phone when I first wake up. I feel like it helps clear my mind for the day and it feels nice to not immediately scroll when I wake up like I used to

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this has been a game changer for me - i would also recommend journaling first thing in the morning! i like to do a sort of mindless journaling where i just write down everything that comes to mind even if it's a little silly
Feb 5, 2025
I’ve been doing this too! It feels nice and also clears my head of all the worries I usually start out with during the day
Feb 5, 2025
I read something like this before, it said to not touch your phone for 15-30mins after waking up to allow it to just sit there yk, process, wake up, and i was thinking about it today since whenever I wake up and go in my phone right away I always have a harder time getting out of bed and doing my routine, but when I don’t it’s easier, and my emotions feel more regulated, ik watching short videos back to back is instant gratification and that really messed up my brain balance, so maybe it’s that or maybe i’m talking nonsense, but whoever way, not using your phone right after waking up is fs good
Feb 5, 2025

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It’s really peaceful, and just a nice way to start your morning, as opposed to immediately grabbing your phone and jumping on TikTok. Ive been doing it for the past week or so ☺️
Mar 6, 2025
for the last month i have been waking up a little earlier to read and drink my coffee, and it has made my day just a little easier. no longer is the battle to get out of bed making me late, i also read faster, up to a book a week. find moments in your life where u can just sit and do something u enjoy before u have to do anything else.
Sep 23, 2024
Started a new habit where I wake up and immediately read a few pages of my book instead of getting lost in my phone for those first minutes of the morning. Makes me feel more balanced and accomplished as I start my day.
Mar 25, 2024

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I was bullied a lot for my eye color as a kid (because me having very dark brown hair and very dark brown eyes made me look "evil", apparently) and, naturally, began to dislike them. but as I've gotten out of school and away from people who put me down, I've realized how insane it is to bully someone over their eye and hair color and grown to love the color of my eyes. I mean, they may be dark but there's nothing wrong with that. and I can take pretty pictures of my eyes too, I just have to blind myself and almost stare into the sun to do so lol
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"yap" about the things that interest you all you want; enjoy your hobbies and pour your heart into them, stop worrying about if what you're into is "cringe"; if your friends don't like your hobbies/interests and put you down for enjoying them, find people that will; surround yourself with people you love who love you back and you will be so much happier than the people that are so quick to put others down for pursuing their happiness
we're so lucky to be alive in a time where we have the technology to see these photos. no humans have ever been able to see these things before. the universe is so beautiful. id love to take a tour of the universe when I die. to see the pillars of creation, to experience what happens inside of a black hole and what is on the other side, to find out what is at the great attractor, there's so many things I'd love to see that I know I never will, and it makes me sad, but I know there are so many people who came before me that never got to see even this much. so I am forever grateful to this archive of photos from our universe.