I was bullied a lot for my eye color as a kid (because me having very dark brown hair and very dark brown eyes made me look "evil", apparently) and, naturally, began to dislike them. but as I've gotten out of school and away from people who put me down, I've realized how insane it is to bully someone over their eye and hair color and grown to love the color of my eyes. I mean, they may be dark but there's nothing wrong with that. and I can take pretty pictures of my eyes too, I just have to blind myself and almost stare into the sun to do so lol
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Comments (13)

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I used to hate my brown eyes, until a guy I was talking to once became so obsessed with them that he started to say things that made me have to block him on all platforms and contemplate filing a restraining order. (eg: “when you move on, I wish to preserve your eyes as to never deprive the world of these rare jewels.”) It all started when him and I went on a picnic outing and the sun was in my eyes, and he went quiet and then said “your eyes turn to honey when the sun hits them.” After that, it was game over. 0-100 in a matter of weeks. TLDR; don’t hate your brown eyes, there’s a psycho out there willing to keep them in jars
Feb 27, 2025
Another level of irony is that a teacher literally did a discrimination experiment with brown and blue eyed kids. To teach them that treating others poorly in regards to things they don't have control over is not fair. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLAi78hluFc Your teacher shoulda done this.
Feb 27, 2025
dillydallydoily i was just about to mention this!!! this experiment would definitely not pass the ethics of today but really is super interesting!
Feb 27, 2025
Wait someone actually called my eyes “poop brown” in high school. and to that I say, whatever, poop brown rocks! My son has my eye color and I freaking love his sweet big, brown eyes.
Feb 27, 2025
first of all, your eyes are gorgeous! second of all, you don't need to stare into a bright light for them to be gorgeous! dark eyes are bold and confident, sharp and strong! positively piercing!!!! i bet you could drop a tiger with a single glance!! i'd also call dark eyes curious and sweet looking, like the eyes of a deer or a raccoon! the sort you could probably get people to give you their lunch money if you gave them a pouting look. rock your eyes in shadow just as much as in light please!!
Feb 27, 2025
Brown eyes are my favorite! I find them to be the most warm and comforting, and the different shades of brown eyes when they’re in sunlight are stunning. If anything, I find some shades of blue eyes to be creepy, if that makes sense at all lol. Not all of them but when I see it I see it😂 It’s like if you’ve ever seen photos or videos of people with “dead eyes” the person with blue eyes that has dead eyes always looks more terrifying than the one with brown. Brown eye supremacy.
Feb 27, 2025
omg noooo!! brown eyes are so cool. i have blue eyes but i’ve never understood why people find blue or green eyes inherently prettier than brown or hazel eyes because i think the way they shift in the light is so beautiful and unique!! when the sunlight hits they look so cool because it suddenly highlights all these other colors, kind of like how some crystals are
Feb 27, 2025
marxinista i never thought about them like crystals but that's so true!! I think because they don't usually stand out as much, when they catch the light just right and light up, you really notice them. I'll never understand the hate though, especially because all eye colors are beautiful and unique and it's such a strange thing to put others down for 😭
Feb 27, 2025
brown eyes are so lovely and perfect, yours are breathtaking, what a stupid thing for kids to bully you for!! I always wanted blue eyes and was insecure about it in middle school. it feels like there was a prevalence of kid/YA literature that included the “blue eye special, brown eye boring” trope and I really got into my head about it. in books like The Giver, the protagonist always had blue eyes and it made me feel inadequate! One of the first times I met my husband he was facing the sun and I was stunned by his radiant eyes and complimented him on them (somehow he didn’t realize this as flirting) because I thought they were the most beautiful rich browny greeny mossy hue. Later we realized we have the exact same eye color and almost the exact same pattern. Seeing the beauty in someone else allowed me to fully realize my own, powerful moment.
Feb 27, 2025
worldonfire thank you ! i totally relate to feeling inadequate from seeing more love given to lighter eye colors :/ but that's an amazing story about you and your husband!! I'm happy you've found someone who has helped you see that beauty within yourself. like you said, sometimes you have to see it in someone else before you can love that part of yourself. and you two having the same colors and pattern is so cute !! yall have have to be meant to be, that's amazing
Feb 27, 2025
getting bullied for the most common phenotype of all time is crazy work
Feb 27, 2025
umm you’re beautiful so idk what those bullies were on
Feb 27, 2025
supriyaann thank you 🫶😭 honestly it was just a small rural town and you get bullied/disliked for really dumb things out here
Feb 27, 2025

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