The past few months I have been in full comfort rewatch mode. I find going back to things I've already seen is soothing and a nice way to wind down. I'm rewatching favorite movies, favorite series... most recently including Sex & the City, Barb & Star Go To Vista Del Mar, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Holiday, Dexter.ย 
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Feb 7, 2025

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Sex & the City never gets old.
Feb 7, 2025

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Because you keep noticing new things, it's comforting, and it's a way of appreciating good art. In a way it's also anti-consumerist. My current favorite rewatch is The Bear.
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Because Abbi & Ilana lulled me through many depressive holes in my 20s and itโ€™s just the perfect comfort watch.
Mar 28, 2024
currently on my fourth rewatch of new girl, seriously one of the best comfort shows in history. gives friends vibes for sure!!
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Top Recs from @lili-reinhart

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Lately, I have found much less of a calling to be on social media. I don't know a time where I checked my socials and walked away feeling happier. Do you? I have to be on my phone a fair amount due to work but I catch myself automatically clicking into apps out of boredom and I'm trying to stop that behaviour. I see the good in social media, the ability to stay connected to friends and be in-the-know on everything-- I think the whole point is that you feel left out when you're not on it.. so you're sucked in constantly. But that's not reality. I could disassociate for hours online and look up to the world around me and think, where the hell was I? I don't want to feel like a bystander watching other people's lives for a solid chunk of my day. Engaging more in the real world is a priority for me at this time in my life.ย 
Feb 7, 2025
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I'm a big Ethel Cain fan and I heard this remix first on Tiktok. Last week, I blasted this song in my living room and danced with my boyfriend, Jack. Fully chaotic jumping, spinning, sweaty dancing. Dancing is incredibly cathartic and such a good way to move stuck energy through your body-- I don't go to clubs hardly ever or take dance classes, so I'm trying to make more of an effort to "dance on my own" (hehe, song title). It's good for the soul.ย 
Feb 7, 2025
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I fear we're living in a time where empathy seems to be severely lacking among us. Fear and hatred is shoved into our faces daily if not hourly by the news and other media... it's no wonder we can't seem to connect to other people. I think this ties in with less social media and more real life. Engaging in my friendship circles more, going out of my comfort zone by showing up in person, even if I'm tired. Feeling compassion, connection, and empathy for others goes a long way -- and in a time where a lot of things are out of our control, we can be in charge of dishing out some more love. So I'm working on that.
Feb 7, 2025