Can't recommend highly enough the following docs:
The Gilded Age
The origins of big business and billionaire money in politics start here. Warning: watching this documentary will strangely feel like watching a special news report about what's happening today.
The Eugenics Crusade
A morbidly fascinating and critical watch. I had no idea Eugenics was basically as American as apple pie for like..most of the early 20th century? The chilling story of how when a 'good' idea (the desire for a healthier, stronger human race) meets bad science + racism + ableism + homophobia, surprise surprise, you get Nazis.
American Coup: Wilmington 1898
Stoking fears of “Negro Rule,” self-described white supremacists used intimidation and violence to destroy Black political and economic power and overthrow Wilmington, North Carolina’s democratically-elected government in 1898. Black residents were murdered and thousands were banished. The story of what happened in Wilmington was suppressed for decades until descendants and scholars began to investigate. Today, many of those descendants — Black and white — seek the truth about this intentionally buried history.
The little-known story of this deadly race massacre and carefully orchestrated insurrection in North Carolina’s largest city — the only coup d’état in the history of the US.