In my mind, there was just one person who watched every single new movie to come out and gave it a rating of PG, R, etc.. I wanted to be them.
Feb 8, 2025

Comments (3)

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the history of the decision-making around tv/movie ratings is actually super interesting def check it out (even just like the wiki page or the you’re wrong about episode on it) if you still have any interest in it hahaha
Feb 8, 2025
marxinista super interesting rec. I’ve never been big on podcasts, but their episode list might have convinced me otherwise. I’ll check that one out first!
Feb 8, 2025
kwisatzhaderach i’m not big on podcasts either but theirs i actually like! so maybe u will also enjoy πŸ™‚β€β†•οΈ
Feb 8, 2025

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I love watching a movie, logging it, leaving my little review, and then reading what my follows thought. Did they like it? Did they hate it? Are there funny quips? Thoughtful essays? It's the one site were I'm rather indiscriminate with my follows. If the top four is interesting, I want to know what they think of the movies.
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On letterboxd. Like how do you rate the Virgin Suicides or Killer of the Flower Moon?! So heavy and devastating! Fully sticking to just saying whether i like a movie or not going forward!
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i think my inability to rate things on a 0-5 scale reeeaaallly holds me back from being more active on the app. for example, my experience/enjoyability of a movie could be at a 4, while still acknowledging that the actual, objective quality of the movie could is a 2 (or vice versa). a star rating doesn't have enough room to convey that, so i'm not always sure how to rate things in those scenarios. i also always notice myself feeling much more positively about a movie as i'm coming out of it than i end up feeling about it a couple weeks later, so i'm constantly having to change my ratings around. think i'm gonna try the method of simply reviewing with no rating and <3'ing movies if i liked them
Apr 2, 2024

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