i used to look up to my friendsā€™ older siblings and think wow i canā€™t wait to become as cool as them one day. then when i became a teen and i was so shy and cared too much about what others thought of me and the rise of social media didnā€™t help at all. but now i think back at the little diva i was and she would want me to feel confident, to be unique and happy and to keep being kind to others. her opinion is the only one that matters to me now
Feb 8, 2025

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Feb 9, 2025

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i think now more than ever, we live in a society where it is normalized to judge others for not following the ā€œtrendsā€ or ā€œsocially acceptableā€ things, which has become a big problem for the coming generations. i think people should be their unique, authentic, selves and shouldnā€™t be afraid of such, because who actually cares ? i mean, yeah, people will probably judge you for it and say rude things, but people will do that anyways, so why not have them say it about something YOU know you love. as long as you know that you like it, then it shouldnā€™t matter what that one girl thinks about it, because at the end of the day, itā€™s just someoneā€™s opinion, not an actual truth. if you wanna dress all funky and different, do it !! and do so with confidence .
Dec 28, 2024
Iā€™ve been in the same boat. Since I was 13 I became really self conscious of my appearance, mainly due to other peopleā€™s comments, and then that was exacerbated from 16-18 during college because people got meaner for some reason. I felt terrible, and the lockdowns unexpectedly saved me as it gave me a break from all those people. It made me realise I should only stick with people who like me for who I am, not how I look. Then ignore all those comments and ignore those people, make them feel awkward for saying those things if they do. Even if people arenā€™t saying comments, just think less of what others think of you. You are what you are, donā€™t try to change your appearance just to please people who might not care much about you in the first place. Donā€™t let your appearance bring you down, ignore those annoying flaws and be more confident to outshine any imperfections you think you might have. Donā€™t be afraid to do things you enjoy and spend time with new people. Ofc others may have different advice as my problems are either impossible to change or very difficult to, so Iā€™ve learned to be content with how my body is, and just play with the hand Iā€™ve been dealt (which unfortunately means Iā€™m not perfect at this and for instance still wear more clothes than others during the summer). But Iā€™m generally very happy now with lots of good friends who like me for who I am.
Jan 25, 2025
I've recently realized that, despite my consistent efforts to be authentic, I've still been structuring a lot of my goals and presentation based on what other people will think of me. It's all rooted in impressing others, because I worry that people won't like me if I don't impress them. It's not something I've been doing consciously, though. I think it is deeply ingrained with so many people my age because we grew up with social media. At 23, I'm only just beginning to understand how this may have really warped my brain. Additionally, I think a lot of family structures and the school system function this way. There is so much pressure to be "successful" in society. I have always supported the idea of other people expressing themselves without having to worry about being "cringe" or embarrassing, but I haven't been living it myself. I would love to strip back all the layers of expectations that have been painted onto me until I find who is really underneath again.
Dec 27, 2024

Top Recs from @st4teofgrace

feeling grateful for my mutuals and for every recommendation i got. i feel like this platform is healing me after using twitter as my only social media for years. everyone is genuinely helpful and itā€™s so refreshing when everywhere else is full of hate and negativity.. being on here just gives me hope like these are the people iā€™ve always wanted as my friends. itā€™s cool to just be yourself, to appreciate the small things and to share joy & thatā€™s what the internet should be about!
Feb 10, 2025