it’s kind of like a time capsule. this is mine from last year.

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here is mine from this year: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7wbwkvd8u3kjMJHDoB3Djc?si=aTai6HaeQm6hz90cKt_fVQ&pi=7a8lc_xBS8atL
Feb 8, 2025

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i started in 2018, but every year i make a playlist a month and any new song i like (or rediscover after forgetting) i add to the month’s playlist as someone who loses track of time and can’t keep track of what happened in what year because it all blends for me, it’s a little funny looking back at what music i was listening to during certain events of my life, like breakups and how people i met influenced my music taste. i.e. march of 2018 when i got into lofi and i met a community of small artists who have grown since then or july of 2021 when i got into hyperpop after meeting an ex-roommate. i wish i started this earlier like in june 2015 when i got into kpop everyone i know puts every song they like into one playlist, or their “liked songs” but i love having my songs organized into playlists and folders and one of my favorite things to do is find a theme for the playlist covers :p
Jan 31, 2025
i’ve been doing this since 2018 and it’s so cool to see my music taste develop and improve since then, documented month by month! i add songs that i’ve been listening to a lot or songs that were recently released, just whatever i’m in the mood for that month! and i can also kind of revisit times in my life by listening to an old month playlist. also, at the end of the year i compile that year’s monthly playlists into a year playlist, and it’s like a longer and more comprehensive wrapped playlist!
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with the first month of 2024 coming to a close I thought I’d recommend one of my favorite little traditions: making a yearly playlist where at the end of every month you reflect and add your four favorite songs (> 4 = overkill, < 4 = next to impossible, at least for me because my headphones are glued to my ears) at the end of the year, I lay in bed and finally listen to the playlist in full (not on shuffle!) and let my mind be flooded with all the memories I have attached to the songs (crying is unavoidable sorry) oh and I don’t mean newly released songs, just all music in general. hope I explained everything clearly
Jan 29, 2024

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for all of my childhood and adolescence i was a very lonely and solitary child and i thought that that was all there was for me. yesterday i was surrounded by friends who came out to see me for my birthday and we drank and danced till we could barely walk. this is a life i never thought i’d have. there is always a light at the end of the tunnel no matter how weird and dark and long the tunnel is. wait it out. it really does get better.
Nov 30, 2024
i just stayed out till 4 in the morning at a party with incredibly pretentious people who didnt even ask me a single question about myself. all because i have a ridiculous fear of missing something. i could’ve gone home and smoked.
Nov 16, 2024