i have loved pokemon since i was like 6, but ive recently been re-obsessed and have started building a new little collection. there are so many cute and pretty illustrations, and its so nice to assemble a little binder of ur favorites :3
I used to collect pokemon cards as a kid and I recently had the thought to re-embrace this hobby just for the pretty art. this may be my sign. i’m gonna get a pack tomorrow fuck it
bisonspider regrettably it’s the time of the year there’s huge supply chain shortages lol, i went into a local card shop and a big box store last week and both were out entirely. i hope u find a pack or at least some cards, gl on this quest! its a very fun hobby to return to
I love collecting the full art cards, especially the cute ones and its so addicting opening packs to try to pull what you want. Collecting sets are nice until you cant pull the card thats so much more pricey than the rest 💔💔
i recently really got into pokémon and i’ve started collecting the games! i have 8 so far, some from my childhood and some recently acquired, plus a pokémon gameboy color :D
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved to buy the occasional pack of Pokemon cards. I will occasionally impulsively order a single card on ebay that I really like. What can I say. I really enjoy pictures of funny creatures on cardboard. Here are a few of my recent favorites.