this may just be my reality, but when i don’t take my medication, i am only motivated when there are huge consequences (i.e. i have to work). When i take my meds, i can do anything i set my mind to… Outside of that, having premade lists makes things a lot easier. And when i don't take my meds, the lowest stakes tasks are usually what feels comfortable to tackle.
Feb 9, 2025

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also beat me to recommending meds + good systems for task management! i've been out of 'em for a couple weeks and i'm back to pre-diagnosis levels of malaise and paralysis
Feb 9, 2025
these were exactly the recommendations i was gonna give!! also trying to do stuff with/around others, ie when i was a student, i was generally more productive in the library than in my dorm
Feb 9, 2025

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Real talk? ADHD meds work great but obviously not always what suits the situation best. What works best for me is making lists, setting timers and going with the flow. Kinda depends on what flavour of ADHD you have but with me I noticed that my executive functioning improved once I stopped trying to force it and started making the most of the productive energy bursts I felt. Not a perfect method though and meds were definitely easier.
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Ok essay incoming but I’m the same way and this advice is assuming that you have tried various ways to remind yourself of things (physical notes, reminders, alarms, schedules, to-do lists, whiteboards, etc) and struggled to respond consistently to this kind of stimuli. If you’re not already reminder-maxxing I recommend seeking out the most effective method for you to be unable to ignore the reminders. Might have to change over time as you become desensitized to one kind. Once you’re seeing the reminders daily, the struggle is then acting on them. Seems obvious but sometimes when I’m struggling to complete a task or to do it regularly/form a routine, it helps to zoom in on my reasons for wanting to do it at all. Sure, running every day will make me burn fat and improve my cardiovascular health etc etc etc but sometimes for me with my neurodivergence those long term goals are too lofty and too postponable. Instead it really helps me to think about what kind of immediate reward I will get for completing a task or repeating a task—sometimes the immediate reward is just an immediate reward (“if I go for a 15 min run I’ll feel endorphin release ”) and sometimes it’s the removal of a punishing factor (“if I go for a 15 min run I’ll avoid the shame and anxiety of not doing the thing I said I was going to do today”. there’s a term for this in operant conditioning but I forget what it is). This is why for the really important stuff, I opt for a loud annoying alarm because one can only handle so much snoozing or postponing before it becomes easier to just do the thing. Another piece of advice would be to harness the initial anxiety that a reminder prompts and act on it as quickly as possible, before the anxiety turns from motivating to crippling and before you can think of excuses/justifications for avoiding rather than acting. I hope this helps! I’m far from perfect with this stuff and always having to adapt to my own ability to fall back but this has been the most consistently useful approach for me.
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