Meta and Mark Zuckerberg are objectively evil. "Better offline" and "behind the bastards" do some great podcast eps to explain this. That said, almost everything we do helps an evil company in some way and we don't always have a choice not to engage. If using it is bringing you joy then use it. But if it isn't, wean yourself off.
Feb 9, 2025

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as a good friend who goes by gilles deleuze said, there are often not bad answers but bad questions- being 'online' must be thought in its context and examined from a personal lense. its not secret tech companies are developing drugs in chocolate and fizzy drink like techniques that are: making people paranoid(conspiracy theories, scared of each other) over stimulated; regurgitaters; fascist; thinking thir opinion matters and should be shared;short attention span havers and losers to the trees outside. personally, i like the net and try to be online in not an 'ethical' or 'morally right' way, but a way that lets be in nature knowing i am in nature- meaning one should opt less for a phone in their hand that puts the whole world comfortably in the pocket but a cloggy loud computer that remidns them of the infinite nature of life and how a beautiful pc puts them online.the internet is mostly demonic and ig jesus didnt go online or anything but perhaps omnipotence is like the world web. idk.
Apr 13, 2024
+1 taterhole metaā€™s charter is to be the ā€œworldā€™s town squareā€, google / youtube routinely dodges monopoly cases by asserting they're an ads company instead of a search or video company, beyond just collecting a lot of data about users these platforms are designed to captivate a large number of users to farm a large amount of data about beyond the effect that has on their recommendation algorithms that makes them so much more potent than print or word-of-mouth in terms of ā€œconversionsā€; it makes them *where* you go to look at / for your interests. the mass of these platforms pulls every single one of us to them, and has so severely neutralized alternatives that every single person active on the social internet is either entirely or primarily ā€œinfluencedā€ by the social internet. only *then* are the hypereffective recommendations pointed at us show us stuff that would be a safe bet weā€™d be inclined towards so (maybe) we buy it and maybe we do bc whatā€™s the alternative, magazines?
Jan 17, 2025
Unfortunately, it seems likely that somehow Tik Tok, Meta, and Trump are already in cahoots, which means Tik Tok will never be the same of course, but it also means there's something going on behind closed doors. With Shou reposting MAGA propaganda and now the signing in to Tik Tok through Meta appearing, and even more, I donā€™t think itā€™s looking great for the future of Tik Tok. Trump is not "saving" Tik Tok. I think a couple very important things are happening. First, they're gaining control of the information that we have been sharing with each other on Tik Tok. They don't like how quickly we can spread news and info, and in turn how quickly we can rally against things happening. Second, Trump will use "saving Tik Tok against what the government banned" as an excuse to do what he wants. He's establishing that his orders, even those going against what passed through congress, are the ones that are "correct" and should be followed. He's hoping that the majority of Americans see this act as purely a good thing he did for the people. We've been played. Our country is in danger. People who support Trump are supporting his numerous actions that have been unconstitutional and against what this country actually stands for, all because they are brainwashed. Unfortunately, when (not if) it comes out that there is a connection to Meta/Zuckerberg/ Trump/or a group that works with any of these entities, we'll know that it's the end of the Tik Tok era. Tik Tok will begin collecting and using our data in the same way Meta does, in the same way it was once accused of doing, all to turn a profit for those who will benefit from it. The algorithm will change and the content we see will change. Al will become more prominent than it already is and will learn from content creators, comments, and messages. I hope as many of us as possible can remain steadfast in staying away from Meta, X, and even Tik Tok if it comes down to it and continuing to pursue decentralized social media forms that arenā€™t controlled by one person, that donā€™t inhibit free speech and the sharing of information, that donā€™t block certain news, and donā€™t turn into channels for state media like I think Tik Tok might.Ā 
Jan 19, 2025

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