I started to make this star bunting and it looks really nice so far but i haven't got round to finishing it, I keep getting distracted by other things. Will post when finsihed ...
omg i’m such a fan of needle felting and i haven’t made too many a project but i really enjoy it. its tedious and it takes time but i always love a good finished project. because it’s so tedious i often have trouble like finding time fitting it into my schedule but i’ve been trying more 🤗🤗 i made a little cat out of wool and some wire (for the whiskers) recently it’s incredibly cute.
whilst its not yet finished i’m still rather proud of it, despite the dodgy hems and seams i’m #persevering
the charity shop clearance rail will always have my back for cheap sewing projects 🙏
sometimes i don’t even end up wearing these clothes, mostly they’re just me testing my own abilities and patience because i refuse to use measurements, patterns or any sort of guide (they overwhelm me).
I probably have a thousand different answers to this, I have so many old trinkets, books, bits and bobs but these r just so cool! My little pixel chix collection from when I was little, still fun now :) xoxox