i’m watching a friend’s fish for a few weeks and i gotta say it’s been way more rewarding than i thought it’d be. if ur sad and don’t want a mammal but want something to motivate you to take care of something, get a lil fish
Shortly after the Kaikyokan Aquarium in southern Japan closed for renovations in December, its star sunfish stopped eating. The poor giant pancake was typically active, curiously swimming up to the front of its tank to greet its admirers...Turns out the sunfish was just lonely and eager to return to its adoring fans.
I probably have a thousand different answers to this, I have so many old trinkets, books, bits and bobs but these r just so cool! My little pixel chix collection from when I was little, still fun now :) xoxox
I started to make this star bunting and it looks really nice so far but i haven't got round to finishing it, I keep getting distracted by other things. Will post when finsihed ...