love long bus riders or having some free time to just zone out and look at people. i like imagining their lives and giving them names. lol (me and my best friends loved doing that back home too so it's sweet to do it from the other side of the world)
i love long journeys where i can listen to music and stare out the window and do whatever entertains me with the things and doodads that i have at my whim and intermittently pass out with my head cracked back and my mouth open like that one picture of jeremy from phineas and ferb.
greeting each other with a simple smile 🙂and then chilling in companionable silence for the duration of your ride. you’re both on your own separate journeys, but for a brief period of time, you’ve got some nice company to enjoy the trip
best when alone in the bus except for the driver, even better when the driver is a woman with long gorgeous black hair to her waist who hums absentmindedly to herself, creates a sense of reverence for how big the sky is, how liquid the sun