i love long journeys where i can listen to music and stare out the window and do whatever entertains me with the things and doodads that i have at my whim and intermittently pass out with my head cracked back and my mouth open like that one picture of jeremy from phineas and ferb.
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Feb 23, 2025

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love long bus riders or having some free time to just zone out and look at people. i like imagining their lives and giving them names. lol (me and my best friends loved doing that back home too so it's sweet to do it from the other side of the world)
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listening to music on a bus or on the train while alone and looking out the windows with some music in your ears is the closest thing to the poetic experience ever
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i love being chauffeured around the city in buses and trains! i love spending my commute reading or writing in my phone. i love getting to know the quirks and styling habits of the people who take same the train i take. i love walking!! i love complaining about the weather when it makes walks miserable! i like looking at my step counter on my phone and knowing that i hit 10k steps every day without even trying. public transit makes me feel like i own the world. i see people in their cars and they seem pathetic, losers who can’t navigate their city without trapping themselves a 4k pound hunk of metal. what princesses. could NOT be me!
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planner, agenda, whatchamacallits — draw in them!!! i love having a hand-drawn snapshot of the day. the drawings do not have to be good at all (clearly…), just something to spark your memory so that when you look back at your year, you remember what you were doing. waaay better than only writing the event in the planner in my opinion :> shoutout my 2024 planner (thanks dad)
Jan 3, 2025
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working at a library, i sometimes stumble across things people leave in books (typically as bookmarks) here are some highlights: - a small canvas painting of a family (presumably done by a child) - an Italian stamp, issued 1938 (?) - a joker from a deck of cards, and then subsequently the other joker from the same deck of cards in a different book - a gun wrapper folded around the top of a page as if it were one of those magnetic bookmarks - various pokémon and magic the gathering cards (albeit, more pokémon than magic cards) - and a leaf.
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