I'm a big fan of quiet. I like quiet and silence. I saw a movie once a long time ago. It's called Into Great Silence and it's a documentary about monks in this monastery and it's quite long actually but there's no dialogue in it. The whole movie is watching these monks and it made a huge impression on me. 
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Feb 12, 2025

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Now i have to see this film since I now know 2 people I respect who has mentioned it. very curious at this point.
Feb 12, 2025

Related Recs

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I’m used to watching slow movies but yesterday I watched ‘Out-Takes from the Life of a Happy Man‘ (2012) by Jonas Mekas, Who Is very well known in the film community for his groundbreaking editing and pioneering post modernist experimental film. beyond all of that I feel like a nice slow experimental movie once in a while is the greatest thing to do. The impact feels like literature and now I’ve really come to the idea that film is the literature of our century, so watching a slow movie even if it’s a short movie it can have a great impact, that kind of hit that you only feel with an art piece that resonated with you. Movies like this are poetic, spontaneous, they make you question why are you even taking the time to sit there and witness them, but the truth is that the real power of art in our generation resides in the willing and vulnerability of the viewer to feel welcomed inside a piece, once you accept it is you who have to give a meaning to this kind of film, then the messages and symbols inside of it turn to you completely.
Mar 7, 2024
Quiet and startling and filmed entirely out of focus which sounds like it would be challenging but I found the blurriness so nice like a painting and the dialogue was so ordinary it felt like from another world
Dec 6, 2023

Top Recs from @michael-shannon

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I like to take long walks, typically in the park. I live in Brooklyn, New York and I like to walk around Prospect Park. At the south end of the park there's a little area with a couple of benches in it, like a little sanctuary and I like to go over there to sit on the bench and watch all the different birds out in the pond. I like to go there in all different kinds of weather and see how it changes throughout the year. I just really get a kick out of nature and it actually can be pretty quiet there sometimes, which is hard to find in New York City. 
Feb 12, 2025
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Oh my God, this guy Henry Taylor, I saw that exhibit at the Whitney.  I took everyone I knew to go see the exhibit. I must have seen it seven or eight times. This guy is the most brilliant painter I have seen in a long, long time. I actually got the coffee table book. I never get the coffee table book. He just moved me to tears. He did a painting of Philando Castile getting shot that's one of the most powerful works of visual art I've ever seen in my life from many time period ever. So I recommend Henry Taylor and The Whitney Museum and general because I think you'll always find something interesting there. 
Feb 12, 2025
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I'm not a vegan, but I do care about the environment very much and it's been brought to my attention by some of my vegan friends that if you claim to be an environmentalist and you eat meat then you're a hypocrite, which which makes me feel guilty so I haven't sworn off meat entirely, but I am a fan of having meatless meals at the very least if and when you can.  or just trying to eat less meat in general, because I do think they have a point. So all that’s to say I'm going to recommend falafel. I'm a big fan of falafel right now. you can find it at least in New York City, you can find lots of different high end falafel situations. I like to try different places. It's like a hush puppy but better, I guess it's ostensibly healthy for you. 
Feb 12, 2025