the world would be a better place if there were more shows with older women solving murders jessica fletcher fucks and no one is talking about it
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Feb 11, 2025

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Miss Fisher's murder mysteries is honestly one of the coziest, funniest and just all around most enjoyable show I have ever watched. Its about a private detective (miss fisher) who is a 'modern woman' in the 1920s in melbourne and is the strongest character i've seen portrayed. Sweet, smart and sharp she's got it all. She's accompanied by her two communist cabby drivers, her butler named mr butler who is a master in multiple fight maneuvers, her very sweet, very catholic companion Dot, a stealing orphan she takes in to become her ward, her best friend who is a lesbian doctor and ofcourse Jack Robinson the dashing detective she fights crimes with. I got into it by watching it with my Oma while we both would be crocheting on the couch :)
Apr 25, 2024
sometimes ya just need some informative murder porn to sooth the soul
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Top Recs from @buscemibabe

getting juuuuust a lil bit silly but not drunk and then walking home yum yum yum no next day ruminating, no hangover, just having a chill time with some friends and going home 👌
Feb 3, 2025 - a bunch of bizarre games/interactives with a dystopian and anti-caplitalist bent window-swap - shows you the view from random windows from around the world radio/garden - you can listen to live radio stations from all across the world - show you random youtube channels and let's you click through like you're watching an old television marginalia-search - a search engine that isn't algorithmic, shows you niche search results that would typically be pushed to the bottom of other engines thecreativeindependent - articles by creatives, very simplified retro design that feels similar to this site The Magazine Rack at - tons and tons of scanned and archived magazines spanning over 50 years - recommend checking out High Times very fun and oh so 70's
Jan 14, 2025