For those of you that hate journalling βœ‹ try recording video logs! Like literally just sit down for twenty minutes and talk. Can be about anything. Bonus points if it's something you don't think anybody cares about. I think a lot of us could use a positive outlet right now and for the last little while, this has been it for me! Really nice way of documenting all that you get up to, too. Life moves fast and it's easy to forget the little things
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Feb 11, 2025

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i did this all throughout 2022-2023 because i was going through a really hard time and it would help me sooooo much. sometimes you just really need to say things out loud and the weight comes off
Feb 13, 2025

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The beauty of documenting your life experiences through your speech and embracing how your voice sounds in that very moment is something I find so special. Our voices are instruments, what use are they if we don’t take delight in the sound of the very thing that forms meaningful connections. Voice journalling has made me so much more confident in my speech, how I sound, public speaking and expressing myself to those around me. It has helped me to be more interactive during conversations with friends, family and strangers. It has opened up the gate for meaningful friendships and closed the gate for social anxiety. I usually go back and listen to the growth of my voice and the small depletions of the insecurity and anxiety of my speech. It’s also a great way for me to document my thoughts when journalling through writing gets overwhelming. Have any of you all tried voice journalling?
Jan 16, 2025
I've been journaling lately, and it's been such a game-changer! It's super simple – just grab a notebook or even an app on your phone. The best part is, there's no right or wrong way to do it. You can write (draw) about anything that's on your mind, from daily happenings to random thoughts and feelings. It's a great way to clear your head and get in touch with yourself. Plus, it can be really therapeutic to see your thoughts on paper (or screen). You might find it helps you process stuff and even spark some new ideas. Give it a try
Jun 11, 2024
always thought i had to wait for my life to be amazing to start writing it down...turns out it was already pretty cool and i regret all the stuff i can't remember anymore. also just a helpful mental practice to get your thoughts out of your brain and on some paper so you don't have to worry about holding them all in there. spending extra time thinking about positive moments in your life is also a good way to help your brain default to positive thinking more often, like building a muscle. i make it fun by cutting and pasting a bunch of pictures and stuff so it feels like a craft instead of a chore, otherwise i won't really do it.
Jun 30, 2024

Top Recs from @sethywethy

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Ok guys I gotta be honest. I'm all for supporting creatives and rightfully paying people for the art that they create, but sometimes I wanna watch a 30 year old movie and I don't wanna pay the 19-whatever-the-fuck Netflix is taxing. Take my advice. Get Brave. It's like google chrome on steroids. Go to a site like Brocoflix (i kid you not lmao) and let your heart run wild. Brave's adblocker is insane. Gone are the days of closing 30 porn pop-ups just to watch Sonic. It's game-changing
Jan 28, 2025
I'm sure there's an actual name for this but I'm blanking on it at the moment. I try to live under the idea that we're all one being. That in everybody is a piece of me, and in me a piece of everyone else. I guess it's like an extrapolation of 'the golden rule'. But I think to myself like, if I was being ignorant, I'd want someone to have a conversation with me and help me understand where I was wrong. If I was having a bad day and was visibly frustrated in line, I'd want to have someone stop and ask me how I was doing. I think most negative people are just hurt. The longer you go without talking about what's bothering you, the more bitter you get. Most people, no matter how they're acting, change when you ask them if they're ok. Most of the time (I'll admit, there's some exceptions lol) its better to be sympathetic rather than defensive. It's easy to get heated but it takes a lot of patience to really try to understand. Stranger or not, I do my best to help rather than provoke. We've all got our bad days, but that doesn't mean we aren't deserving of compassion.
Jan 28, 2025