little catsharks that swallow a bunch of water when they get scared and inflate to up to twice their original size!! Extra points for being cute and for being great nappers (they‘re nocturnal and sleep all day)
I think blacktip reef sharks are kinda cool! Saw some wild ones while i was in the maldives, they would swim under the villa every night and it was just so fun to watch!!! I like their black tips, very animated looking :3
Just found one of these in my childhood bedroom. I remember being entranced by the photos in these books. I wanted so badly to step into the pages and enter each little world.
A poem by Emily Dickinson. This is my grandma’s favorite poem which makes it mine too. She knows it by heart and has recited it to me for as long as I can remember
nighttime is prime time for all the sad feels, but you know what could make you feel better? Looking at the night sky and seeing the moon looking back at you. Talk to her, tell her all your deepest secrets. And she will always be there to listen.