as a person who lives in a city with a functional yet endlessly annoying bus system, i will ALWAYS be a proponent for not getting on the bus with people packed from back to front and instead waiting the extra 7-9 minutes to get a seat on the next one. pulled this gambit this morning and was able to enjoy a nice (SEATED) commute instead of feeling the breath of a stranger caressing the back of my neck and i try my hardest not to fall on them. was i late for work? yes! but only a few minutes!
Feb 13, 2025

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Ahhh, yes, that lovely of feeling of hot despair and internal angst breath all over your neck mixed with the scent of cheap coffee and worthers orginals on their breath making its way into you nostrils to start your day, lol. Can’t blame you for waiting the next bus
Feb 13, 2025

Related Recs

i am currently sitting on a different campus bus than i normally get onto to get to my 3:20 class from the FAR FAR parking lot that would easily be like a 30+ minute walk and recently the bus ride has been like 15+ minutes just to get through campus bc of how many people are at the stops. this new one i’m on makes stops at different places and there’s been NO ONE at any of the stops and just now every single person but me got off.. and i’m kinda loving it!! i think i’ll take this way every time i come to class now 😄 and the bus driver is so nice and making convo with me! today is going to be a good day everyone
Feb 6, 2024
having a whole little section to urself on the train and not being squished 2 death on the bus is a necessity… you cannot pack me in like a sardine! i refuse!
Jan 29, 2024
i have to take an almost hour long bus ride each way to uni everyday, but i feel like i can finally appreciate little aspects of my city (double decker busses are even better i feel like a little kid when i sit on the top floor)
Jan 26, 2024

Top Recs from @brrrimsocold

recommendation image
older films rock, and i HIGH recommend Shadow of a Doubt, Alfred Hitchcock’s self proclaimed best work. A movie about the death of the american small town, familial abuse, divorce, and weird incestuous tensions. it’s one of the more tense films i’ve seen without really showing too much actual voilence. It’s all about power, control, and how people can be manipulated. Also I am a huge fan of Park Chan-Wook’s Stoker, and had no idea that was loosely based on this film. That movie rips too go watch it after they make a fantastic double feature.
Feb 16, 2025
get drunk, embarrass yourself, it’s worth it, it will strengthen your bonds (as long as it’s not your boss)
Feb 18, 2025
recommendation image
as both a movie and a physical media lover, starting a dvd/blue-ray/criterion collection and buying a blue-ray player was one of the best choices I've ever made. record stores, thrift stores, and other random places sell dvds of incredible movies for like 1 dollar each, so it makes it super easy to start a collection, and you have a physical watchlist to go through. I've also started buying criterion and I am in love with those, but they can be quite expensive so I do it sparingly, and only when there is a 50% sale which happens like 2-3 times a year. get off the streaming services and start watching your movies off a disc!!!
Feb 15, 2025