after playstation removed a bunch of videos that people had already purchased through their store i learnt that when you buy digital products, you're not really buying them, you're buying a licence to use them until they decide they want to stop licensing it out to you. so i've kind of got back into collecting physical media
i saw in my local charity shop that CDs were 10p and i had a look and holy shiiiiiit i found some gold, Outkast, Lauryn Hill, Arrested Development, Bon Iver, Haim, loads of stuff - and i don't live in a particularly 'cool' place so was surprised to find them
and i've already rec'ed this before but DVDs too, a place by me does 10 for 50p and even found fairly recent titles like the favourite, little women, etc.
idk, i guess i might be romanticising having physical media but i love it