Me and my mom found it when cleaning the apartment and decided to repair it. I'm so excited to start using it again, and I do love the name Nikon coolpix. Yeah, I'll take some cool pics thanks.
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Feb 13, 2025

Comments (2)

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Was it difficult / expensive to get a repair? I have a tonne of old digicams I've been using for the past five years but they're so fragile I've slowly been losing them :(
Feb 14, 2025
greebo if you life in or close to a big city I believe it's quite easy to find repair places, they are usually very helpful. About the cost, in my case it was a bit expensive because the battery had melted, but the people in front of me on the line had a simpler situation and it was quite affordable. It always depends both on the complexity of the issue and the scale of the production of the camera when it was released, the less it was produced the higher the cost because it's harder to find the parts. Whatever it happens, I suggest you to keep any parts to avoid being charged that extra.
Feb 14, 2025

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Taking pic is fun and I dont remember what I even took pictures of so I’m excited to get the film
Jan 29, 2024
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Found mine in a stall at an electronics arcade in the Akihabara neighborhood in Tokyo last year. It’s been a delight figuring out how to use it and what kind of film it likes (Fuji film came out peachy as hell!). And in taking it to get repaired when the slide screencover broke, I had to find one of the last remaining camera repair guys in Chicago. Nothing like a piece of old tech to keep you on your toes! Shoutout to usergeneratedcontent for being my patient model.
Feb 25, 2025
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i miss shooting film so much )-: my camera stopped advancing mid summer and i picked up my mom's digital point and shoot out of convenience. it's fun but i miss anxiously waiting for my photo scans and hearing the tension of the dial as i physically turn it. over break i will revive my camera and eternalize my friends on porta 800 again film attached : cherry blossoms sometime in spring of this year
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Hold up, I gotta check my inventory for advill.
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