This is Jade, I went on the local shelters site just to look last night and then saw that this girl had been in the shelter since the beginning of December which was shocking because she is like the prettiest cat. She was a rescued stray and she is missing her tail and the top of her left ear so I don’t know exactly what she’s been through but I could not live with myself if I passed on her so now she is mine.
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Feb 13, 2025

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wow she’s so gorgeous ❤️ wishing you two all the best - cats are truly such a joy
Feb 13, 2025
She is gorgeous! And looking very at-home already. Congratulations to you both for finding each other ✨
Feb 13, 2025

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I found her at a family gathering about 7-8 years ago. The previous lady who was taking care of her & a colony of feral cats moved away, leaving her without a consistent food source. She hung around me the whole day, soaking up the sun from a lawn chair while occasionally stealing some of my mac & cheese. That day I ended up taking her home, now she’s my whole world. Since then, i’ve started studying all things cat (especially feline behavior), working at animal shelters, occasionally fostering, & volunteering at other animal shelters + different pet retention services. She’s taught me so much & has given me the motivation to be better everyday. I don’t know what i’d do or be without her.
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