This might be my most hater take yet but it's really not that hard, guys. ESPECIALLY if you live in a major city, I think it's actually weird and anti-social to get all your shit delivered instead of going out and finding a place to buy it. It's kind of like a treasure hunt it if you let it be: I gotta take this bus to this train or talk to this person to get this thing. Or I have to look past a few pages on eBay and refine my search and ask myself exactly what I'm looking for. Some friction in life is a good thing. Most importantly it lets us ask if the thing is necessary (it often isn't). Stop being dumb.
Feb 14, 2025

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I'm still trying to practice what I preach here. Capitalism makes it pretty hard; they want to keep us buying things so instant pleasure and gratification is marketed and thrown at us everywhere, and makes us feel like to be accepted in society, we must always have the latest "thing." But I've started to realize nothing deeply good can come easy, or cheap for that matter. It feels way more satisfying to know I've purchased something of quality, something that means something to me, something that'll last, rather than a cheap fad that'll have to be replaced soon anyway. Not to mention knowing and caring WHERE your money is going (small businesses over large corporations, looking into what the company stands for.) There are so many times I've told myself I can't afford something I really want and am drawn to, when I've realized how much I've spent on stupid little cheap things that don't matter to me. For yourself, for others, for the planet, spend INTENTIONALLY. And if that means you end up owning less, good! And while you're at it, do a bit of Marie Condo-ing (but please, donate what you can for christ's sake.) You might experience a little withdraw with the lack of stuff and lack of spending, but I think overall you'll feel lighter, freer and more satisfied!
Jun 19, 2024
I really take all inspiration in this from my parents, but always have a canvas tote, either in your car or purse (ideally not one you buy, my dad’s were always collected from random ornithology conferences), and if you do have to take a plastic bag, it must be reused for trash or dog shit. old pickle jars should always store a homemade sauce, or produce that you’re now pickling. plant local nut and fruit trees if you have a yard, and always grow your own herbs. walk anywhere you can, especially when traveling. bike everywhere when the weather is nice. don’t buy replacements for things unless you absolutely have to. don’t rush to buy everything at once, you have your whole life to build a home, and it’ll be a bitch if you ever have to move. a home at most needs one tv, anything else is extravagant and corrodes the soul. read a book. try the library. you will not find the answer to climate change in consumerism.
May 19, 2024

Top Recs from @gretafetacheese

Actually I have another hater take. Sorry but I do judge you if you use this (or any other AI chat bot because apparently there are others?) and treat it as a source of truth.....very strange behavior. I thought we all thought it was dumb but I now hear people reference it's use in common conversation/at work as if it's not weird? Why are you all feeding the beast? Can we please use our brains? Use it or lose it, baby!
Feb 14, 2025
if we all commit to the old fashioned way (dating irl) then I think the whole world will be hot and sexier—a net-positive for society 😌