Which is odd for me because my recall memory is very very visual. I seem to narrate what I'm saying, which is also how I read stories, in my own voice either right before or while I'm saying/typing something (like this for instance). The way I hear it is in the same slightly tonal pattern in which I talk, seems very real and normal. I also tend to think about thinking a lot and getting in the weeds in the WHYs of everything. Whether it's my anxiety or other diagnoses, my brain really wants to focus on something I don't understand until I figure it out and there are just way too many things in the world in which that does not mesh with the reality of our dumb little human brains. I think a lot about how we are both electric sacks of meat and gas and rock and perhaps some other 4th thing that somehow can fathom at least the existence of the universe.
Feb 15, 2025

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This is very interesting I’m kind of similar
Feb 15, 2025

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My wife was recently spacing out and said it was like the DVD logo was bouncing around in her head. It made me realize mine lately is like the Windows 3D pipes screensaver. Too many thoughts at once, and it's hard to tell which one should take priority. There's also usually a song on loop reverberating in there that inevitably makes its way out by humming it under my breath.
Feb 15, 2025
it’s almost like a small-scale external meditation to me. at random points i try to hyper focus on everything - how the light is hitting something, the surrounding sounds, how something feels on my skin, the scents of the moment, what unconscious movement someone (or myself) is making. try to see, hear, feel, smell as much world as possible.
Jan 9, 2025

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