The character of a disposable is truly different to a reusable pen. More playful and silly and light. I love the colours, obv targeted at kids but I have the earnest and innocent mind of a kid It's also nice because it's kinda an expensive habit, so you don't want to do it too much. also by small I mean rly small. The smallest you can find. My current geekbar is like 1 inch tall.
recommendation image
Feb 15, 2025

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nice to have something to huff when i follow everyone out on their smoke break and mine is really pretty and girly like an aqua blue little cigarette shape. never been a nicotine girl. got this thing for my endometriosis pain last year but turns out it's nice to hit drunk too. i'm smoking with line cooks here so i really need something to do with myself, often
Jan 28, 2024
Ever since I got sober 12 years ago and quit smoking shortly after, I’ve craved nicotine.  Six years removed from my final cigarette I hit my friend’s Mango Juul Pod at a wedding and I’ve been back and hooked ever since.  In a way I enjoy vaping more than I ever did smoking tobacco because it doesn’t make me smell like a degenerate and I can hit it anywhere I go. After some taste tests, I adopted Cool Cucumber like it was my newborn son.  Over the past two or three years the fun Juul flavors have all been banned (Cool Cuke included) and I, like many others, have had to venture into the wild west of smoke lottos to find flavored disposable alternatives.  Most are disgusting but you don’t know what you’re going to get until you drop $8-$15 and take the first puff.  Air Bar Lux’s are built better, hit better and taste better than any disposable vape you’ll find at the shop - the Dyson, the iPhone 4S of nicotine delivery systems.
Mar 23, 2021
I’m a longtime cigarette smoker (Marlboro Lights) but this year I accidentally got into vaping and my favorite vapes are the lychee flavored Myles. They’re super dainty and very chic to dance with in addition to being SO DELICIOUS. Pair it with a lychee martini from Indochine and that’s one tasty, sugary skinny girl meal.
Jan 23, 2023

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