i have a vape again, it's been a year and a half since I've had my own. sometimes i take little hits from my friends when we're out drinking but this time i got my own. well i got one with my friend but she asked me to keep it since she doesn't trust herself. i said i didn't trust myself either. sometimes when i think about nicotine too hard i feel tingles in my body. i hit the vape while sober Today and it sucked. it tasted gross and made my head hurt. it did not make me crave more. i thought id never not love nicotine, and i guess i would've felt proud of myself for not wanting it, but i feel weird and sad. i still love a cigarette here and there, i have a Ritual for cigarettes. i never had a ritual for vapes just a desperate and pathetic attachment. i don't know how to emotionally process expecting myself to fall back into unhealthy addictive habits but actually discovering i don't feel that way anymore. so now i have this vape that's gross and i don't really want it and that's good but i'm also kind of mad because some stress relief and dopamine would be nice eight now but it's not giving me that anymore.