Ok maybe don’t over-do it today, throw it on shuffle (dare I say it) until you read a better rec. and do something else with your Valentine’s Day. But at some point, this album is a monster worth spending time with. When you’re in its sprawl, its laser focus doesn’t seem so singular at all. Stephin Merritt keeps finding new variations on his theme, and new sounds to express it with (lo-fi indie rock, chamber pop, folk, country, new wave, synth reggae). Most songs are simple, and sweet, and not that deep, but to call some of it filler would be like calling uneventful mornings with someone you love dispensable. The format isn’t a gimmick, it’s the whole beautiful point. 69 Love Songs is almost impossible to digest in one go— like standing at the foot of a mountain, unable to see the whole thing at once. Its scope lies outside our vision.
“The book of love is long and boring… I love it when you read to me”