At the risk of sounding like a basic bitch, this shit is so real.
Going down your chart on co-star and breaking down the individual aspects of your personality and reflecting on how to adapt & change is so fascinating. I love it
I don’t care what anyone says because if the literal moon can have a real impact on the tides, who’s to say that we aren’t effected, even a little bit, by it?
i made them, people comment on them all the time, the barista at one of my local coffee places was really sad about the non-existence of my etsy store.
some people don’t know there is term for why you feel more productive doing work at a cafe with people all around you instead of alone in your home. or why folding laundry becomes less daunting when you have a buddy there to chat with. when I’m helping students apply for health insurance I’m really just body doubling with them so they dont feel as anxious about doing it.