Was up working late in the shop with a couple of guys I vaguely know; Guy #1 got broken up with his high school sweetheart, got a mullet the day after, and feels stupid. Guy #2 fell in love with a girl but didn't know her "true colors". He didn't like when she didn't let him drink at his uncle's wedding. Guy #3 met the most amazing woman in his entire life, who was perfect for him in every way, but couldn't make it work cuz of their conflicting schedules. They just couldn't ever see each other. They didn't speak for half a year, she got another man, then got into a car accident that took her life. Guy 3 says whoever he dates next (and if) has some pretty high standards to reach.

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guy 3 needs a hug oh my 😔😔
Feb 16, 2025
choc_orange lowkey 😔
Feb 16, 2025
guy 3's story sounds like a movie
Feb 16, 2025
beef-jerky lowkey 😔
Feb 16, 2025

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