I´ve been buying used CDs and vinyl, along with a second-hand CD player, figuring out what music I truly enjoy on repeat, without it being pushed on me. I still use Spotify, but mostly outside the house or in another room. Some evenings, I disconnect completely: no phone, just a book, a movie on TV, and my CDs playing. Feels like the year 2000. I took this picture from a local Cd store in my city.
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Feb 16, 2025

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i have a huge collection of digital music still on my hard drive from when i was a heavy pirate bay user in the 2000s/2010s + copied my now lost cd collection. but my computer is too old to be compatible w my iphone so i had to switch to spotify. as soon as i can use my library again my plan is to put the money i would use for spotify in a lil jar and use that to buy cds instead. also, i used to always carry a usb stick on my keychain and whenever friends were playing cool music i would ask if i could copy it. borrow ur friends cds! buy random cds at flea markets! borrow cds from the library and copy them to your computer! tbh choosing what to listen to every time on streaming gives me brain fatigue. i remember it was very soothing to organize my collection and know that i could play it on shuffle and always find something interesting.
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I recently discovered mine, Samsung CD Yepp to be exact, and it changed the way I listen to music. I started listening to full albums again instead of just singles you can easily stream. For me it’s not about sound quality, although it matters of course, but mostly about consciousness. Since then I collected my mini-collection of CDs I will pass to my children. Kinda regret I got rid of old phones, especially BenQ-Siemens EL71, but hope to thrift it one day
Oct 2, 2024

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