Snakes at Maccas - no worries Maccy D, Glenrowan
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Feb 17, 2025

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SUDS (sydney uni drama society) puts on some very good and very bad shows UNSW always has some really great art shows on the fine arts campus in paddington macquarie uni has a great museum (big stuffed bear, dinosaur footprints, etc) (this information is actually very dated now that i think about it but i’m sure it’s still wicked). they also used to do free camel rides @ their open day……. omafiets is a great bike shop in alexandria south dowling sandwiches in paddington has The Best Sandwiches. 16ishAUD for a truly scrumptious sandwich as big as ur head. i recommend the hugo……. it has caramelised carrots!!!! indian home diner, also paddington, is soooo yummy & makes curry wraps that r to die for. also has a great student deal lake parramatta is a beautiful beautiful spot 2 swim - nice fresh water, never toooo busy & on the central coast, an hour’s beautiful train ride north: excellent thrifting (woy woy specifically, & also fairhaven op shopping village in point clare) the gosford hieroglyphs - there r proper conspiracies about this. they’re tucked away in a gully in the middle of the bush. super easy walk to get to them, but not easy to find pelican feedings in woy woy & the entrance the australian reptile park - a zoo but almost exclusively for native animals (the 1 exception i can think of is their komodo dragons). they helped develop anti-venoms for all of australia’s most venomous creatures, & u can watch them harvest snake & spider venom. also not just reptiles!!!!! many bugs & spiders & mammals & birds!!! some great camping spots: little beach & frazer r my favs
May 9, 2024
bro I’m drunk as SHIT at very reasonable prices
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big fuck off kangaroo statue in the centre of town (named tilly) every meal served with chips bilby conservation exhibit inside of an actual functional train station that gets 2 trains per week new york paris charleville.
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Frankie cat. Rescue cat. I have become her pet, and am not sure how. But she owns me, not vice versa. I am masseuse, feeder, groomer, general dogsbody, servant. And all this from an avowed dog person who has spent a lifetime scoffing at the mere thought of cats and their weird cat appendages known as owners. And now I am one of them. Am suddenly, meltingly, doing anything to get that thrum of demand as she sits on my chest pinning me, helplessly, to the bed. The couch. The anything. Frankie cat, what have you done to me?
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That dazzling, show-offy, alpha thrust of the outer shells, yeah yeah. Seen it all before. But the lighting underneath … in the undercroft where the cars drive through … where the lone concertgoer slumps, dreams, sleeps, waits … Now that is astonishing. Concrete made light. Intersected by the lone human - so alone - amid the busy, buzzy throng of us. Can you see him? So many astonishments.
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