I started smoking weed as a young high schooler who had been craving drugs most of my youth, out of curiosity, wanting to fit in, wanting to quiet voices, and when it did all the things i wanted it to do i leaned on it for years. Clung to it. But, after going cold turkey on my antidepressants due to being sick of them, weed was my friend. She helped me calm, regulate, laugh, she reminded me to eat, and best of all share with people i loved. I don’t need anything to do that anymore (Shout out frontal lobe development) and due to being broke in college, i smoke significantly less, and now only when i want to, not because i need to. which is nice! addiction sucks bawwwllsss and my sprint away from who i used to be with substances has slowed into a nice jog.
Feb 18, 2025

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By just having some time to myself to smoke a j alone and vibe in my room. Have not done this in years, didn’t smoke for a while either (classic reasons, anxiety etc) but it’s been fun to see myself as more grown up since I last did this. kind of feels like convening with a past self and being like - yes life is weird but that means that anything goes and that’s great, I’m having fun 🫶🤷‍♀️
Jun 24, 2024
this feels like a sort of Subconscious reprogramming that goes on?? & I really did find it helpful while being an absolute sceptic but my friend who also has ADHD suggested his work after quitting tobacco but something was working cos I had my first break in a long time. I definitely kicked up the habit again on and off though and found myself having to really get down & dirty w/ root attachments, with most of it coming from the need to survive and self preserve 🥹 this can help shift my perspective sometimes and I can ask myself what else might make me feel safer or bring me comfort right now? Sometimes the answer is still weed. I also think we judge ourselves too harshly and the guilt or shame becomes part of that vicious cycle. I hope any of this is helpful and here for the journey!
Jun 22, 2024
this is very big for me!!! i’ve been smoking regularly for the last two years and realized that i haven’t been able to be myself. i feel like my identity before using cannabis was so free and special and unique and i completely lost it, but now that i haven’t been using, idk how to return cause i’m so busy and everything is so much :((((
Feb 11, 2025

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