this is very big for me!!! i’ve been smoking regularly for the last two years and realized that i haven’t been able to be myself. i feel like my identity before using cannabis was so free and special and unique and i completely lost it, but now that i haven’t been using, idk how to return cause i’m so busy and everything is so much :((((
Feb 11, 2025

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dreams returning to you is cooler and trippier than any high weed can give you. it come back slow but start writing down what you remember first thing when you wake up and they’ll become more vivid and full. great job, promise you’re cooler and more fun without it!!
Feb 11, 2025

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By just having some time to myself to smoke a j alone and vibe in my room. Have not done this in years, didn’t smoke for a while either (classic reasons, anxiety etc) but it’s been fun to see myself as more grown up since I last did this. kind of feels like convening with a past self and being like - yes life is weird but that means that anything goes and that’s great, I’m having fun 🫶🤷‍♀️
Jun 24, 2024
I started smoking weed as a young high schooler who had been craving drugs most of my youth, out of curiosity, wanting to fit in, wanting to quiet voices, and when it did all the things i wanted it to do i leaned on it for years. Clung to it. But, after going cold turkey on my antidepressants due to being sick of them, weed was my friend. She helped me calm, regulate, laugh, she reminded me to eat, and best of all share with people i loved. I don’t need anything to do that anymore (Shout out frontal lobe development) and due to being broke in college, i smoke significantly less, and now only when i want to, not because i need to. which is nice! addiction sucks bawwwllsss and my sprint away from who i used to be with substances has slowed into a nice jog.
Feb 18, 2025
it will make everything in your head, good and bad, feel sharper. if you can’t do it then maybe take that as a bad sign. speaking as someone who had to take it as a bad sign
Feb 8, 2024

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i think it’s ok to be boring. to not have anything special unique or interesting going on. i tell myself to find the part of me that i lost - the part i thought was more fun or intriguing or cool, but maybe you lose parts of yourself for a reason. maybe what i’m doing now, the things that make me happy, are the things that are boring. maybe when you tell yourself that what is boring or wrong, you only make the imposter feeling stronger. sometimes i think all you need is someone to think the things you like are cool, no matter how boring or uninteresting they may be. how boring can you or it really be if it makes you happy, and if it gives you meaning.
Feb 16, 2025
going to be single again for first time in a while later today. how do you guys move past things? even if im are happy about things ending, frustration, mourning, annoyance, and a plethora of emotions are still so present. how do you balance life and get things done in times of emotional upheaval?
Mar 2, 2025