i watched precious (2009) with one of my best friends yesterday, and was pretty critical of it. my general opinions were that it was quite obvious talent went into making the film and i really enjoyed precious as a character, but the whole film felt like just misery porn. if i were to be a little less cynical, i would say it felt like they put the main character through an excess of suffering because it was the only way to ensure an audience could sympathise with a dark-skinned, conventionally unattractive black woman, and watching it just felt... off. the hopeful message the film seemed to be trying to take just really didn't land for me giveen the circumstances.
that being said, i'm someone who often watches films purely for entertainment value so it was really nice discussing films i'd watched that weren't entertaining (i didn't enjoy precious but i do feel like there can be value in watching films that are brutal to watch, even though i am still quite critical of the people behind the film) and i had so much fun just talking about the film with my best friend. it makes me want to watch more movies this year, even the ones i would never choose to pick up myself.