So I saw a group of friends doing some group evaluations on Hinge and let me tell you, I was envious and glad Iā€™m not on any. can they work? Surely. is it fun? Yes and no? Told myself the last time I was on it that it would be my last time, and the last last time I told myself that would be the last time.. so clearly, itā€™s time for the last time again! (again?)
Feb 20, 2025

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i just redownloaded hinge for the last time (?) a couple days ago & im already considering deleting it lol
Feb 20, 2025

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Idk unfortunately this is the world dating apps can be good bad or meh really itā€™s just such a mixed bag and access to people you may never organically interact with otherwise which I find actually nice But hinge is specifically cursed like the required and very limited prompts are horrible every added feature is worst then the last and I truly think the ā€œmost compatibleā€ suggestion it gives you is meant to make you reevaluate Every decision that has lead you to that moment
Jul 20, 2024
I linked a rec I made over a year ago about deleting hinge and dating the old fashioned way. have I been on a single date since then? nope. do I stand by what I said? absolutely. Iā€™m still convinced that the apps arenā€™t perfect, and while they might work for some people theyā€™re kind of a necessary evil at best. without them, itā€™s hard to put yourself in contexts where meeting someone organically is possible. and even then, within those contexts the meeting has to be just that: organic. it takes time. it takes being in places/situations regularly where you think youā€™ll meet people who share your interests/values. it also takes a bit of effort to initiate those interactions, and also fate that someone might initiate something with you. the apps are a convenient, quick fix, instant gratification solution to the issue in that they will get you dates, but in exchange for quantity you may sacrifice on quality. things of quality have no fear of time, though. waiting to encounter someone who is a good fit and in a good phase of life to be what you need and vice versa is going to take time. and if you work a 9-5 like I do, youā€™re going to have to invest in putting yourself in situations to meet people in your free time. or just do what I do and develop crushes on your superiors in the workplace that are doomed to never be realized because of HR protocol. iā€™d advise against the latter, though.
Like someone else said, one of the best, most freeing things is to leave the dating apps behind especially if you struggle with self esteem. I know people who have found amazing relationships from dating apps, but as a whole I believe they have done a great job at commoditizing romance and making interactions transactional; they want you to pay more money to keep swiping until your thumbs hurt. Combine that with the fact that all the major dating apps are owned by either Match Group or Bumble, data privacy concerns, and you now have an industry that treats dating like a mobile gacha game. Dating felt fun and natural for me the minute I left the apps behind. This is just my 2 cents, so take it with a grain of salt. Maybe they work for you, if so, more power to you!
Jan 21, 2025

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Not gonna lie, itā€™s been awhile since Iā€™ve had a nice warm hug. like a real meaningful one ya know? The type you donā€™t want to let go itā€™s so comforting. Anyways, thanks Instagram reel for reminding me Iā€™m using you to ignore deep unwanted feelings.
I wish I could speak every language to converse with everyone around the world! Thereā€™s something tantalizing about having this ability. Perhaps because deep conversations are a doorway into someoneā€˜s upbringing and peopleā€™s cultures, and there is so much joy in hearing someoneā€˜s story. In another lifetime, surely I was a polyglot enjoying company from people all around the world!
Feb 5, 2025
Why is making a side dish or some dinner for people so enjoyable??? I put on some good tunes and cooking is so FUN. Highly advise making a dish for your friends next gathering, itā€™s easier than you think!
Feb 10, 2025