I love outer space, and am fascinated by evidence of a new planet in our solar system, currently referred to as Planet 9. Astronomers measured patterns of gravitational wake, describing the path of a planet that is about ve times the mass of Earth, with an orbit of about 10,000 years. The first photograph of this planet is expected later this year, 2025, when a new telescope called Vera Rubin goes online in Chile. Once there is a photo of the planet, it can be officially named, added to wikipedia, and printed on kid's lunchboxes worldwide. Far out! 
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5d ago

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the random aave
3d ago

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so incredible that we get to see and be part of all this
Nov 11, 2024
5 stars, super cool planet. Def my favorite in the solar system, it's just interesting and seems way better than hotter planets like Mars or Mercury.
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I live in a Bortle class 9 area (inner-city/ terrible light pollution) so taking pictures of the night sky is a lot of trial and error, pointing my camera in a general direction and blindly shooting at sub-200 iso and screwing around with varying lengths of exposure. Last night I sat in my driveway for three hours with a mug of tea and finally captured a very cruddy image of something mildly interesting: That little pinkish half circle in the middle is M42, the Orion Nebula. It’s a cloud of hydrogen gas and dust 8 quadrillion miles from my back yard, which means that the picture you’re looking at is actually from 1,500 years ago. The nebula is 12 times larger than our entire solar system and has around 700 baby suns incubating inside it.

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Car brands forgot how to make a beautiful car. What gives? The new tech is great functionally, but the forms suck, they are all too damn slick or showy or bubbly. I really can't find a modern car or truck that looks good. I don’t understand it. There are endless beautiful old cars. I especially love the boxy old jeep XJs (pre 2001), and old range rover classics (pre 1996). The best new car I’ve seen is the one new model of the Toyota Land Cruiser, you of course can’t get in the US. On a recent trip to Tokyo, I fell in love with the old sedan taxis, mainly the Toyota Century (pre 2017), incredible. I’d love to design a car one day.
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There’s something mystical about the game. It’s a deep puzzle with ancient roots, and an international language of sorts. It’s simple and complex. I’’ve been destroyed by 7 year olds, people who likely can’t spell the word “February”. In New York we're spoiled with great chess: Chess Forum on Thompson St - a sacred shop to buy boards, great players in Washington Square Park you can play anytime for 5 bucks, (ask for my favorite guy, David). But perhaps my favorite place to play in NYC is the Marshall Chess Club, founded 1915, occupying an entire townhouse on West 10th and 5th Ave, where Duchamp would play. Then there’s the mind boggling Shannon Number, 10^120, the number of unique chess games. This number is so large, it exceeds the number of atoms in the universe, 10^80. There are more possible chess games than atoms in the universe. Unreal. 
5d ago