There’s something mystical about the game. It’s a deep puzzle with ancient roots, and an international language of sorts. It’s simple and complex. I’’ve been destroyed by 7 year olds, people who likely can’t spell the word “February”. In New York we're spoiled with great chess: Chess Forum on Thompson St - a sacred shop to buy boards, great players in Washington Square Park you can play anytime for 5 bucks, (ask for my favorite guy, David). But perhaps my favorite place to play in NYC is the Marshall Chess Club, founded 1915, occupying an entire townhouse on West 10th and 5th Ave, where Duchamp would play. Then there’s the mind boggling Shannon Number, 10^120, the number of unique chess games. This number is so large, it exceeds the number of atoms in the universe, 10^80. There are more possible chess games than atoms in the universe. Unreal.