its the best movie ever. if u ever have movie night w a bunch of ppl and cant choose what to watch this is the movie. I’ve made like 7 different groups of ppl watch it when we couldn’t decide and it’s always a hit. Xo
it’s stupid and perfect and lowkey one of the greatest movies of all time. it’s fun !! it’s california! we’re surfing and skydiving and robbing banks! what more can you ask for!!
the cinematic adaptation of cracking a few with The Fellas. Prophetic in its star power and the best ensemble since it's predecessor Dazed and Confused.
Have a beer, have a j, watch a good flick
I schedule stuff in my phone but I use my physical planner to write out what I actually did every day. it’s awesome and nice to reflect on all the weird stuff that I didnt mean to do. I also write what media i consumed and what memes or cultural stuff seems important on a given day because when I look back I’m always like oh ya i Forgot about that
if ur single go on a date a someone who is so not ur usual vibe it could be sooooo fun and you won’t be anxious because it’s like who the bleep is this