As a kid, I didn’t understand English for the first few years of my early life, but I LOVED movies and soundtracks. In retrospect, I think I clung onto the music so much more than most kids because it helped me understand the plot in the absence of dialogue. That being said: The Incredibles was one of my favorite movies (which we watched on our big box TV) because of how exhilarating and suspenseful it felt as a kid— all thanks to the amazing jazz soundtrack. Highly recommend listening to it, and if you haven’t watched the movie it‘s completely fine; imo this soundtrack is one you can vibe and enjoy without any plot context
Feb 22, 2025

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I specifically listen to the how to train your dragon soundtrack 1) because I like the series and 2) it's super motivating. superhero movie soundtracks also work but I would just pick your favorite movie and see if it works for you (link is the playlist i listen to if you want to check it out)
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