I personally hate annotating or marking my books at all, even in high school when I was forced to highlight books in english class it felt sacrilegious. It was printed with the exact correct number of words, I do not need to add to it. But, i do love when i get a copy of something and someone has underlined their favorite passages or scribbled some notes in the margins. Feels like taking a peek into someone’s diary.
Feb 23, 2025

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yess!!! but then I get existential about how I should enjoy participating in life more than just observing it. Like why am I so enamored with other people’s scribbles and horrified at my own????
Feb 23, 2025
haileyd4wn Yes ive had this same thought but i’ve come to accept that i am simply not an Annotator, i will attempt to decorate time and space in my own ways that maybe someone will look upon and smile at but i don’t think my medium can be the margins of used books. I salute everyone who feels the opposite way though you guys are doing gods work
Feb 23, 2025

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helps you absorb more and makes you look smarter. plus when you lend your books it’s a fun added bonus for the people reading, if you’re lucky sometimes they’ll write annotations back. its like passing notes in fifth grade but about literature and not that tristan threw up at recess.
Feb 5, 2024
Love Underlining, leaving note, etc. But what I love even more is reading a book where somebody has already left their traces
Jan 30, 2024
I love to lend my friends books and reread the bits they highlighted and underlined again when they return them to me. It’s like having a conversation with them and you learn so much about how they feel and see the world. I do this with my best friend and it makes me feel so close to her.
Feb 3, 2025

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my hunger for female approval and general vanity has prevented me from going down this route, but the appeal of being a perfect mysterious stranger does call to me occasionally. Kudos to all you anons
In my internal monologue I instinctively refer to myself as We instead of Me, most often when I’m planning out my day or creating mental to-do lists. e.g. “We’re out of eggs, gotta add that to the grocery list”, “ We’re going to get out of work at 11 and then meet So-and-so and do such-and-such” I obviously do not do this out loud in conversation, but in my head I often default to We instead of Me. (I hope this is not foreshadowing a future schizophrenia)