I first shaved my head in 2017 because I wanted to do something bold with my body, something I had considered for 2 whole weeks before just doing it. Now, I haven’t cut my hair since November 2024 and my hair is in the pixie stage. When people, usually women, ask me about cutting my hair, I always tell them to do it at least once because it’s so liberating to reclaim your body in a very obvious but temporary way. It’s also nice to not worry about extensive care and maintenance. I’m not sure if I’m going to like having long hair again, but I’m going to give it another try.
Feb 23, 2025

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Ahh I shaved my head in 2017 too! I shaved it for a ‘reason’, fundraising for kid’s cancer, but really I had wanted to for a year before that was even a thought. Honestly, and I felt terrible feeling this way, but I think having that “oh you’re asking me why shaved my head?? Well well, I did it for kids with cancer, aren't you the asshole now” in my mind as a fallback response to people *rudely* inquiring about the realestate on my noggin’ - was an excuse I felt I needed before I was able to examine why I felt guilt for even thinking of shaving my *own hair* on my *own head* on top of my *own body* in the first place. I'd always been a ‘tomboy‘ growing up, and I'd get weird comments about it especially near puberty (mainly from adults, other women too “you’re becoming a young woman now, you need to portray yourself as such” etc, yucko), but my hair was always kept long. I don't know, it felt like a sacrosanct pillar of *gender* that was a step too far to touch. To take agency of. Even though it wouldn't be permanent, it was a more permanent choice than swapping my 'boy' clothes for 'girl' clothes. I ended up going to a high school with a uniform and was forced socially and administratively to conform to all that gendered stuff - "oh everyone's telling me the self expression fun is over once you hit a certain age, here's to womanhood I guess"
Feb 24, 2025
softshelled Anyway, all this to say that when I finally did shave my head after high school, yes! It was liberating!! Fuck societal impositions of gender and how you're allowed to explore and express yourself!!! I'd say the only actual discomfort apart from the initial feelings of "is this illegal" was how cold my head would get, I was wearing beanies almost everywhere no matter the weather. Super fun to save money on products and play around with hairstyles while it was growing back too (:
Feb 24, 2025
i always say that everyone needs a buzz cut at least once in their life, it's the only way to truly understand yourself
Feb 24, 2025

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Gave myself a buzz cut a couple months ago and it rocks I feel so light and free and am discovering styles I never would have considered as it slowly grows back out. Incredibly liberating experience to have 3 lbs of hair hit the floor but the experience continues now that I’m getting to be a pixie cut person. Months later and I still am addicted to this choice
Aug 29, 2024
i do it every 3-4 years after growing it out and having long hair and its such a good reset also i look like a monk 🔜
Jan 27, 2024
Not in a mentally ill way but in a way that’s refreshing like the New Year or a tall glass of ice water. Grow your hair out long then just fuckin shave it all off. Let go
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