i hate when people are like : gossiping is the worst ever!!!! all gossip isn’t shit talking!!! there’s a podcast on spotify that’s literally the perfect example of this called normal gossip. check it out, but yeah
i hate being in drama but i sure do love hearing about other people’s drama. the only thing better than gossiping yourself is listening to funny people gossip about strangers drama. come on, you know you wanna
I’ve been enjoying Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me and TBOY recently, both bring great vibes while getting you caught up on the news
the best podcast of all time is Normal Gossip.
As someone who people pleases A LOT being blunt is like a move i charge up for years until it’s finally ready, but as i’ve tried working on being blunt, about my feelings and stuff like that im like damn this is actually so freeing
my favorite thing to do is just start over with myself, like little things : my style, my hair. I think that i find myself being tied down to things that i’ve kinda branded myself as i didn’t realize that i can change..