And now I have a crescent shaped scar on my ankle! Also have a big one on my knee from falling down on the street in roller blades after I said I knew how to roller blade
Feb 24, 2025

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i have a scar on my knee from tripping on nothing and falling up a concrete staircase on campus. it didn’t even cut my knee, i just smashed it so hard that the skin broke. not even that long ago too my other most notable scars are on my ankle, and they happened because i lost my shoe in the ocean and swam out to get it, but as i was walking back, a huge wave came up and smashed me down and dragged me along the bottom (which was mostly comprised of sharp rocks and shells). it cut up my ankle and foot pretty badly, but i didn’t notice until i walked all the way back to shore and my cousins said ‘you’re bleeding’. i got my shoe back though
Feb 24, 2025
1. My biggest is a scar from collar bone surgery after it broke into three pieces on a bike ride in the college. I still have the metal plate holding it together 2. Two on my achilles tendons because I walked on my toes for my entire childhood, so they needed to be surgically lengthened when I was nine. 3. Several on my face from when I was hit by a car while on a bike ride. 4. One on my outer wrist from riding too closely past a branch while on a 100 mile bike ride And I have several more from either crashing my bike or being clumsy. I don't do bike racing anymore lol.
Feb 24, 2025
when i was 17 i was walking on a kind of muddy trail next to a quarry and slipped and fell in. i was mostly fine, just bruised and scraped up, but i got a pretty sick 8-ish inch long scar on the outside of my leg. it’s mostly faded now but when i’m tan you can still kind of see it at the bend of my knee.
Feb 24, 2025

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