Couldnā€™t live without it, definitely couldnā€™t travel without it. Thereā€™s something so magical about listening to a great album while on the train or driving, its like youā€™re on two journeys at once. Ā  I sat next to a guy on the train yesterday who was watching SNL on his phone for the entire 3hr journey and skipping all the musical guests! Tapping through Paul McCartney so he could lightly chuckle at Colin Jost. He was looking down the entire journey and missing the beautiful greens and brutalist greys passing by. Such a shame! Wouldnā€™t happen if he was listening to Wings' unfairly maligned 1973 sophomore album Red Rose Speedway.
Feb 24, 2025

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sometimes itā€™s nice to just walk around the city and have music in your ears accompanying you. life feels a little different in those moments. itā€™s then when you feel alive and get the sense of truly Ā«livingĀ».
Feb 26, 2025
my favorite one is listening to music as a plane is taking off. especially when the beat drops right as you go airborn. best feeling ever
Feb 25, 2025
Went on a little weekend trip to Hudson, NY. Can confirm that McCartney 1 is the ultimate road trip album.
Feb 24, 2025
Greenelysium hell yeah, music's the best šŸ˜Œ
Feb 24, 2025

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or the bus. im nowhere and everywhere and i can think about it ALL.
Apr 5, 2024
While I love lots of music and have created way too many playlists, I always get fixated on the same five songs during a period of time, before inevitably finding new ones to be attached to (and ā€œretiringā€ the previous ones into the void of my Spotify liked list). I used to think it was a strange way to listen to music, especially since I can be so obsessed with a select # of songs and then just forget they exist, or only revisit years later. But when I do go back, or hear the songs play out in the wild, itā€™s so cathartic and bittersweet. I can remember the exact chapter of my life, how I was feeling at the time/what I was going through, and it reminds me how much time has passed and all the experiences Iā€™ve had/the various people Iā€™ve met (temporary or not). I can remember and feel the feelings, and then just allow it to fade back into the background. I doubt Iā€™m the only one listening to music this way, but if thatā€™s not you, itā€™s a sentimental outlook to lean into!
Sep 17, 2024
This is how music was meant to be listened to. I miss life before Spotify with my iPod that had my fav artistā€˜s discographies categorized by album all waiting to be consumed as a whole piece of art. Our attention spans are getting so badā€”an album requires time and patience and allows for a deeper satisfaction. Try listening to one whole album a week! Itā€™s great.
Feb 29, 2024

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makes you feel like you can do a backflip and finish your to do list and dance forever and find a bargain on ebay and write the best poem you've ever written. Wait until 10:30 or 11, peel an orange, sit down and conquer the world
Feb 26, 2025
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Trevor Powers has always been a distinctly detailed songwriter, able to create worlds within his songs that push well beyond their runtime. On Rarely Do I Dream, Powers harnesses this to craft a sprawling, mystical account of his own life - part album, part audio memoir. Sonically, this is suitable dreamy and nostalgic, weaving his own home video audio throughout and thoughtfully layering his compositions within the static. It's like if the end of Scott Street was an album. There's a tactility to the sound that realises the stories being told whether they are suburban and personal, or mythical and folkloric. What a voice, what an album. Glad Powers is back.
Feb 23, 2025
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it's really good. I saw MJ Lenderman wearing a t shirt with his name on it on his tiny desk concert and saved this album from a few years ago. I haven't been able to put it down. Thomas' songs are open hearted and vividly drawn, dancing between hyper specific and gloriously universal. Wellswood steeps it's Americana-folk songs in a wide berth of influences, flavouring each with soul, grunge, indie, etc. All Is Well is a beautiful blend of folk and RnB connecting the soulful essence of each genre flawlessly. Moon is another standout, a sprawling 7 minute nostalgic cowboy epic about the cycle of escaping and coming right back. Wellswood is well worth your time. Check it out!
Feb 20, 2025