Hi besties my dear friend Kat glitter and I are highly qualified to give advice on all matters of the heart and the world and we like to answer listener questions at the end of every episode of Best Regards Podcast.
Four PI.FYI friends have sought our wise counsel so far and we’d be delighted if you would follow suit and call in! 🫶
Please call (650) 308-8274 and leave us a voicemail for us to play and respond to on the show!!! Thanks and love you byeeee
Calling service numbers can be a bummer but once I finally get hold of someone who might be able to help me. I throw in some chitchat, and they can turn out to be incredible nice and... human!
Finally got around to sketching Pablo's portrait
Now I just need to finish Patrick Troughton (cat not famed character actor) and we will have out cats done.
macron, uni posca, and Windsor & Newton brushmarkers