I have the tiniest apartment in NYC and I love her. The kitchen is nothing more than the fridge sink oven and a small square of counter space but you know what we make it WORK. I never have all the necessary equipment to cook something but it forces me to get creative. I didn’t have a lid to my saucepan so guess what we threw a baking sheet on there and called it a day. All I really needed was something to keep the heat (mostly) in. Don’t have vinegar? Put in a lemon, that’s also an acid. Don’t have a trussing needle? We’re dousing a safety pin in alcohol and sewing that chicken UP. Restriction makes you think about why you’re doing something instead of going through the motions. Don‘t let your kitchen for ants hold you back!
Feb 24, 2025

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This is actually smart as hell and resourceful. You’d be a damn good guerilla fighter lmao.
Feb 25, 2025

Related Recs

One of my favorite activities to do is cooking. I rarely eat out, maybe because I grew up in a African household where the question of eating out would be met with “What about the food you have in your fridge?” This year specifically where all of us were forced to stay inside, has pushed me to explore my love for cooking even more. Never with a set menu (unless my cravings were elevated), I would leave the task of creating a meal as I opened the fridge. Wonderfully guided along by weekly food boxes from my local community garden, I would just try and combine new and old flavors to create a wonderful lunch or dinner. Paired with a nice glass of natty wine (Gamay Gang). Enjoy the process!
Dec 17, 2020
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Yesterday I made a delicious chicken piccata and shared it with my roommates and it was a really special moment! It was delicious and I made it completely from scratch. I think that the art of cooking is so important, once you really get a hand of it you can prepare delicious healthy whole foods efficiently cheaply and sustainably! For me cooking is my hobby and one of my passions so I can understand how taking a leap into it can be hard but I always say cook more and your community will tighten around you. It’s worth the effort! :))))
Jan 31, 2025
Depression is a bitch and it’s hard enough to want to cook and feed yourself. A gentle reminder that you can modify things to help yourself. Sit at a table while cutting. Change the recipe to be more manageable for you. Use kitchen scissors to cut things instead of a knife. Sit when you are waiting for shit to boil/need to stir occasionally*** *** Do not sit directly by/in front of the stove. Major risk of burning yourself if something tips over or boils over. Be safe and use caution.
Mar 5, 2025

Top Recs from @Serra_Coldwater

No more being shy about it. even randos want a reason to celebrate. Give them one!
1. No caffeine 24 hours before your flight 2. Invest in a very solid neck pillow 3. Bring a hoodie, an eye mask, a light layer and earplugs. 4. Sit in the window 5. Moisturize 6. Optional: red wine at the gate and a melatonin in your seat 7. Read until you can’t and you’ll be asleep by takeoff.
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A few years ago, I asked my brother for an annoyingly involved Christmas gift: a playlist of 100 songs that mean something to him + brief album notes. In true Jared fashion, he returned the playlist a year late and with 40 pages of single spaced commentary. His taste is impeccable so of course the music is bomb but I am eternally grateful for this window into his mind over the course of 15ish years. It put some things into context, explained some mysteries about him, and made me cry. I love it so much. One day I will rip multiple CDs or vinyls or whatever is cool vintage physical media by then and make a book of it. Today it lives in my email. It’s only fitting he is my first post. It will forever be my #1 recommendation. Including a link to one of the songs here.
Feb 24, 2025